We sympathize with puppy potty training problems, and so the point of this blog is to give our take on puppy training techniques and basic puppy training. When you get down to it, the fundamentals are pretty much the same, but that doesn't mean that all dogs, people and circumstances are at all uniform. Hence the magnificent variation and training possibilities.

Potty Training for Puppies

Bringing a New Puppy Home--Basic Tips and Techniques

Housebreaking Puppies in the Winter

How to Crate Train Puppies--Crate Training, Crate Housebreaking

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Puppy Potty Training Problems--Fundamental Tips

Puppy potty training problems can generally be resolved by adhering to the basic fundamentals of underlying almost all puppy training techniques and principles of dog behavior. Unless, your dog or puppy has been so badly abused or so severely traumatized that it is beyond rehabilitation, then you will be able to resolve your potty training problems.

Where dogs and puppies appear to be problem cases, we find that most often that the basic issue is one of control. I'll say that again:
  • control
In order for your dog to behave properly, and in order for it to know how to please you, you must establish and instil control in your dog. The anatomy of control is essentially that of starting, changing, and stopping something.

Where dogs, puppies, and potty training problems are concerned, we find that good control is often missing, and that the dog is lacking any sense of discipline. The word "discipline" as I'm using it here does not mean punishment. What I mean is that by good training, you teach the dog precisely what the correct behavior is. Your dog will love you for this because ultimately, your dog wants to please you, and by you showing it exactly how it should behave, you are giving your dog a sense of security and certainty.

In order to establish control and discipline where housebreaking is at stake, you must be absolutely consistent in your potty training routines and apply training persistently and patiently over a period of several weeks. In cases where you are retraining adult dogs, this may require several months.

For more detailed information concerning puppy potty training specificis, see our article, Basic Puppy Training--6 Step Method to Success.

More Helpful Links

Housebreaking Puppies
Housebreaking Puppies in the Winter
Reliable Dog Behavior Tips